Art. 1Purpose of the CALL4CREATORS

The EPF – EUROPE, PLURAL, FEMININE project, carried out as part of the CERV program, “Citizens, equality, rights and values” – has as its general objective to promote the rights and values enshrined in the EU treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights and focuses, in particular, on gender equality and the fight against discrimination. EPF aims to foster exchange on gender equality issues starting from everyday life, through various forms of participation and dialogue. 

CALL4CREATORS is the most creative space of this dialogue: the purpose is to stimulate the participation of individuals and groups to develop the sense and value of the community in the defence and promotion of rights and gender equality.

EPF invites creatives to participate with their own content, to raise public awareness on these issues, to tell their experience and point of view, to spread new ideas, proposals, solutions, questions…  

Art. 2 – Organisers

EPF is an international project  coordinated by Confcommercio Imprese per l ‘Italia Nord Sardegna (Italy) in partnership with Solidaridad Sin Fronteras NGO (Spain), Cámara de Comercio e Industria Italiana para España (Spain), Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland (Germany), XCamp srls (Italy), Université de Corse Pascal Paoli (France) and Lunàdigas APS (Italy).

Art. 3 – Methods of participation and works

Participation is open to all people, individuals and groups of all geographical origins and takes place through the registration and submission of videos, photographs, apps, texts, podcasts, music, illustrations, animations.

There are no limits on the number of creative works that anyone can submit. 

Participation is free of charge and is made by filling in the registration form found on the EPF-CERV website.

At the time of registration, each participant will be asked to fill in a form with some data about the author and about the creative message they are applying for. Participants must also declare that the productions submitted are free of publication restrictions and fully available to the applicant. Each participant will also authorise EPF to disseminate the works via its website, its social media as well as those of the project partners.

Video and audio works must comply with the following formats:

VIDEO: MP4 format

AUDIO: MP3 or WAV format

Other works have no format restrictions.

Works containing written or audio messages in languages other than those of the project, i.e.: English, Italian, French, Spanish, German, must be accompanied by English subtitles or translations.

If the works contain content that is in clear conflict with the project’s aims regarding the rights of persons and women, EPF will have the right to reject them.

Art. 4 – Dissemination of materials

In addition to the publication in the EPF archive – in which all the works will be available for all – some of these may have further specific dissemination through EPF events.

To strengthen its action and actively engage people and local communities, EPF organises local and online events – with participants from around 16 European countries – on specific issues concerning gender equality and people’s rights. Some of the works presented may be disseminated at local events, others at online events.  On the occasion of Online meetings, authors of works considered particularly significant to EPF may be invited to present their work during the webinars.

Art. 5 – Duration and Terms of Delivery

CALL4CREATORS lasts from 17 June 2024 to 31 October 2025.

Every 3 months EPF will communicate the three topics that will be discussed monthly during the local meetings; communication will take place through the EPF website and social channels. The topics discussed in the local and general meetings are to be considered an inspiration and not a limit for the creatives who participate in the call.

Art. 6 – Rights and Ownership of Submitted Entries

The submitted works will remain the property of the author. EPF will use the works for the purposes described above according to the Creative Commons CC-BY-NC license. This license enables reusers to distribute, remix, adapt, and build upon the material in any medium or format for noncommercial purposes only, and only so long as attribution is given to the creator. CC BY-NC includes the following elements:

 BY: Appropriate credit must be given to the creator.
 NC: Only non-commercial uses of the work are permitted.

By participating in the call, participants declare that they are the sole owners of the content, not infringing the rights of third parties.

Art. 7 – Acceptance of CALL4CREATORS

Participation in CALL4CREATORS presupposes full acceptance of these regulations. Pursuant to Articles 13 and 15 of the GDPR 2016/679, the personal data acquired will be used only for the purposes of this call and the relationships related to it. The parties are granted the right to access their data, to request its correction, integration and any other right therein contemplated. The data controller is Lunàdigas APS.

Art. 8 – Jurisdictional Protection

The Court of Sassari shall have jurisdiction over any dispute concerning this call and the acts connected with the call procedure.
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