Confcommercio Imprese per l’Italia Nord Sardegna

Established in 1944, Confcommercio-Imprese for Italy North Sardinia is the largest organization of companies in the tertiary market at a territorial level, that is, business activities in commerce, tourism, services and the liberal professions. Those who turn to Confcommercio often find solutions to the small and large difficulties they encounter in managing their business, as well as being able to count on a widespread association system which, in its various territorial and sector articulations, allows them to establish an authoritative relationship with the interlocutors institutional, from local to regional and national.
The organization, among its main purposes, carries out the function of interpreting, promoting, defending and protecting the moral, legal and economic interests of entrepreneurs in the tertiary and self-employed sectors. This commitment is accompanied by the provision of services based on the needs of businesses: trade union, fiscal, technical-economic, training, social security, credit services and in all matters relating to company life.

Solidaridad Sin Fronteras

SSF is a non-governmental organization, funded in 2009 in Madrid (Spain). SSF’s mission is to contribute to the social and labour inclusion and the well-being of young and adult people in situation of vulnerability, such as migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, ethnic minorities, LGTBI+, people with disabilities, low skilled people, unemployed or people in situation of inactivity. SSF’s objectives are: to promote the social and labour inclusion of all people following the principle of non- Discrimination; to promote equality, respect for pluralism, tolerance, justice and responsibility at all levels; to promoting social cohesion and social coexistence between people and different societies; to defend the right to education and freedom of teaching; to promote the social and political participation of all people; to cooperate in the development and welfare of the most disadvantaged population in the countries of the Global South. To achieve its goals, SSF provides different services at local level: legal counseling and international protection; Job counselling; Awareness and training activities; Social participation and volunteering. SSF is accredited as Supporting Organisation for the European Solidarity Corps.


Lunàdigas is a project that, starting from 2008, explores women’s reasons and feelings surrounding the choice of motherhood. Coming from Sardinian languages, the word Lunàdigas means sheep that in certain seasons do not give birth. The Italian language describes women who choose not to have children only through denial: without children, not mothers. Lunàdigas, on the other hand, expresses the self-irony and the identity of those women who have not procreated,overcoming stereotypes and clichés. In 2016, Lunàdigas, or concerning childfree women, also becomes a feature film that immediately arouses a great interest both for the new theme and for the light, ironic and at the same time profound way in which it is told. The actual topic relevance and the interest received at Internationals Film Festivals for the film, wining prizes and acknowledgments of the public even outside the Italian borders,
give rise to Archivio Vivo (Live Archive): a melting of true stories told in front of the camera. Starting from 2019, the voices of women, and little by little also of men, collected by the authors in Italy and abroad, are transcribed, edited, translated, subtitled in Italian and English, also published with articles and editorials and archived through the open-source software xDams.

Universitée de Corse Pascale Paoli

Founded in 1765 and reopened in 1981, the University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli is among the 71 French universities. A training and research structure resolutely anchored to the territory, it is in direct contact with the great local and international problems. Multidisciplinary, the University of Corsica Pasquale Paoli offers more than 130 diplomas from the level equivalent to the baccalaureate to the doctorate, awarded by 8 faculties, institutes and schools. The constant interest in the professional integration of its 5,100 university students is based on training with a highly professional content, in step with the major development problems of its territory. The University of Corsica has the material and human means to
ensure students the best possible conditions for training, placement and personal development; It is organized around 8 multidisciplinary structural projects with the CNRS label. Each project links fundamental research and applied research in a territorial development perspective and leads to concrete achievements with high added value.

ITKAM – Italienische Handelskammer für Deutschland e.V

The Italian Chamber of Commerce for Germany (ITKAM) is a bilateral association, founded in 1911, operating on the German and Italian markets. Its aim is to promote business relations in both countries.

ITKAM has three offices in Germany (Frankfurt am Main, Berlin and Leipzig) as well as representative offices in Italy and Austria. ITKAM supports enterprises and organizations from different branches of industry in their economic development by contributing to their success on the German and Italian markets. Moreover, ITKAM also takes part in many European projects that promote entrepreneurship, digitalization and sustainability.

EPF project page:


Xcamp is a startup developing an online platform for on-line hackathons, with deep expertise in digital strategies, on-line education and communication, community management and design.

Camara de comercio e industria italiana para Espana

Camara de comercio e industria italiana per la Spagna An association formed by Italian and Spanish entrepreneurs and professionals. Born in 1914 and recognized by the Italian State with law n. 518 of 1 July 1970, has its headquarters in Madrid with delegations in Valencia and Seville and territorial offices in Burgos, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, La Coruña, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Vigo and Oviedo. The CCIS is an important hub in the Assocamerestero network, which is represented in 55 countries by 81 Italian chambers abroad. It therefore constitutes a
strategic interlocutor for those who intend to explore the possibility of internationalization of their business efficiently and safely, not only in the Italian and Spanish markets.

EPF project page:

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